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  The Cape Fear Chapter MOAA : The Cape Fear Chapter Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Reaching Out: ROTC Scholarships and Awards


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by Rich Underwood

It was my pleasure to present the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award for 2022 to Chaplain (LTC) Timothy H. Atkinson at our Awards and Recognition Luncheon on the 18th of March 2023. The DeMeter award is the most prestigious award the Chapter can bestow upon one of its members. The award consists of a rotating trophy which the recipient retains for a year, and a certificate.

The citation reads as follows : “For sustained outstanding service as Cape Fear Chapter Chaplain from July 2015 to October 2021. As Chapter Chaplain for over 6 years, Tim Atkinson’s ministry was commendable and widely praised. In addition to his principal duties, he served as the Personal Affairs Officer when that position became vacant, and he volunteered to serve as a member of the ROTC Scholarship Awards Committee and was a regular presenter of MOAA Leadership Awards to JROTC cadets. Whatever the chapter has asked of him, Tim has delivered without equivocation or anticipation of reward. He is an inspiration to others and epitomizes the MOAA’s motto “Never Stop Serving.” Tim Atkinson always exemplified the spirit of service and dedication to the Cape Fear Chapter and the Military Officers Association of America. His contributions over a period of eight years are immeasurable and certainly worthy of the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award.”

Congratulations Tim, you have earned our eternal gratitude for your dedicated service and unselfish contributions to the chapter.

See list of all previous DeMeter award recipients at download bar above.

Posted 03/20/23 10:38 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1697131575
by Rich Underwood

It was my pleasure to present the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award for 2021 to LTC (Ret) Bruce T. Brown at our Awards and Recognition brunch held in the Hodge Room of the Iron Mike Conference Center on the 19th of March 2022. The DeMeter award is the most prestigious award the Chapter can bestow upon one of its members. The award consists of a rotating trophy which the recipient retains for a year, and a certificate.

The citation reads as follows: “For sustained distinguished service to the Cape Fear Chapter from January 2013 to December 2021. Bruce has distinguished himself through his steadfast support of the Cape Fear Chapter’s mission since joining the Chapter. He has been a loyal and consistent active participant in chapter meetings, projects, and events, always offering to help in any way he can. He is one of the chapter’s most prolific financial contributors. Whatever the chapter has asked of him, Bruce has delivered without equivocation or anticipation of reward. Bruce’s contributions of his time, talents and treasure over a period of years are extraordinary and certainly worthy of the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award.”

Congratulations Bruce, you have earned our eternal gratitude for your dedicated service and unselfish contributions to the chapter.

See list of all previous DeMeter award recipients at download bar above.

Posted 03/21/22 11:53 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1666106716
Rich (L) presents certificate to Ira (R)
Secondary Image
Marty passes trophy to Ira
by Rich Underwood

It was my privilege to present the 2020 Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award to Ira Watkins at our May 4, 2021 Board of Directors meeting held at the Iron Mike Conference Center. Plans were to present the award to Ira at the May 7 luncheon, however, Ira was unable to attend because of personal reasons.

Holding to tradition, last year’s recipient of the award, Marty Williams, passed the rotating DeMeter Trophy to Ira who will retain it for one year. The DeMeter award is the most prestigious award the Chapter can bestow upon one of its members.

The citation on the award certificate reads as follows: “For outstanding service as President Cape Fear Chapter from January 2019 to December 2020. Ira Watkins displayed superb leadership and resolute dedication to his Chapter and the Military Officers Association of America earning a MOAA 5-star Level of Excellence Award and two 5-star communications awards for 2019. All during 2020, Ira was forced to preside virtually, via ZOOM, because of the Corona virus pandemic. He showed noteworthy sensitivity and compassion in interacting with chapter members who struggled with isolation and other related issues, especially with those who lost loved ones to the virus. His leadership over a 2-year period that included the tumultuous 2020 pandemic was extraordinary and clearly worthy of this coveted award.”

Congratulations Ira, you have the eternal gratitude of all our members for your dedicated service and unselfish contributions to the chapter. You are an inspiration to all of us.

Posted 05/06/21 16:33 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1666107507
LTC (Ret) Martin C Williams USA
by Ira Watkins

It was my pleasure to announce at our monthly Board of Directors Meeting held by video conference on 7 April 2020 that LTC (Ret) Martin “Marty” Williams is the recipient of the 2019 Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award. The DeMeter award is the most prestigious award the Chapter can bestow upon one of its members.

The citation on the award certificate reads as follows: “For sustained outstanding service as 3rd Vice President for ROTC Affairs, Cape Fear Chapter from December 2015 to December 2019. His faithful and unselfish service on the Chapter’s Executive Board and his work as Chairman, ROTC Scholarship Awards Committee are without equal. Marty discharged his wide-ranging responsibilities in support of 5 university and 25 high school ROTC programs with unparallel dedication and excellence. He routinely drove hundreds of miles traversing a six-county area visiting ROTC units to administer the chapter’s ROTC scholarships and leadership awards programs. His vast contributions to include his donation of travel expenses, are worthy of the highest esteem and his selection as the 2019 recipient of this coveted award.”

Congratulations Marty, you have the eternal gratitude of all our members for your dedicated service and unselfish contributions to the chapter. You are an inspiration to all of us. Our only regret is that we could not present the award to you in person because of the COVID-19 social distancing constraints.

List of previous DeMeter award recipients is at download bar.

Posted Apr 7, 20 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1588258727
by Ira Watkins

It was my pleasure to present the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award for 2018 to Carol Ivey at our Awards and Recognition Luncheon held at McKellar’s Lodge on the 16th of March 2019. The DeMeter award is the most prestigious award the Chapter can bestow upon one of its members. This is the first time in the history of the chapter that this award was conferred to a surviving spouse.

The certificate reads as follows: “For sustained outstanding service to the Cape Fear Chapter, Military Officers Association of America from January 2013 to December 2018. Her faithful and selfless service on the Chapter’s Executive Board as the Surviving Spouse Liaison Officer for six years is without precedent. In discharging her duties, she never lost sight of her responsibilities to look after the interests and concerns of our surviving spouses. She not only served as an exemplary role model for the ladies, but for the entire Chapter, always carrying herself with dignity and poise. Her long-lasting contributions to the Cape Fear Chapter are worthy of the highest esteem and clearly warrant her selection as the 2018 recipient of this coveted service award.”

Congratulations Carol, you have earned our eternal gratitude for your dedicated service and unselfish contributions to the chapter.

Posted Mar 18, 19 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1576609189
by Juan Chavez

It was my pleasure to present the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award for 2017 to COL (Ret) George Blanc at our Awards and Recognition Brunch held in the Hodge Room of the Iron Mike Conference Center on Saint Patrick’s Day the 17th of March 2018. The DeMeter award is the most prestigious award the Chapter can bestow upon one of its members.

The citation reads as follows: “For sustained outstanding service as 2nd Vice President, Cape Fear Chapter from August 2013 to December 2017. Besides his faithful and unselfish service on the Chapter’s Executive Board, his work as Programs Chairman is without equal. His enthusiasm and quest for excellence in making every chapter meeting and special event an enjoyable and memorable experience, has contributed immeasurably to the unprecedented success of the chapter during the past five years. His incalculable contributions are worthy of the highest esteem and clearly justify his selection as the 2017 recipient of this coveted award.”

Congratulations George, you have earned our eternal gratitude for your dedicated service and unselfish contributions to the chapter.

Posted Mar 19, 18 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1576609370
by Juan Chavez

It was my pleasure to present the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award for 2016 to LTC (Ret) Ralph W. Hinrichs, Jr. at our annual Awards and Recognition Luncheon at McKellar’s Lodge on the 25th of March 2017. The DeMeter award is the most prestigious award the Chapter can bestow upon one of its members.

The citation reads as follows: “For sustained outstanding service as Personal Affairs Officer, Cape Fear Chapter, from February 2015 to December 2016. Additionally, he assumed the responsibilities of Honor Guard Coordinator, writing its first standing operating procedures; Chapter Liaison to USO Fort Bragg, while serving as a USO volunteer himself; and, agent to the Red Cross , and veterans services agencies. Whatever the mission, LTC Hinrichs executed it enthusiastically without complaint or anticipation of reward. His substantial contributions are worthy of the highest esteem and completely justify his selection as the 2016 recipient of this coveted award.”

Congratulations Ralph, all of us owe you a debt of gratitude for your dedicated service and unselfish contributions to the chapter.

Posted Mar 26, 17 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1521471004
by Juan Chavez

It is a distinct pleasure to announce that the recipient of the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award for 2015 is Mrs. Tammy Beshlin. The DeMeter award is the most prestigious award the Chapter can bestow on one of its members.

Tammy was recognized for sustained outstanding service to the chapter as Golf Tournament Director, and Chairperson of the Golf Tournament Committee for the past three years. During that period, Tammy, through her leadership and managerial acumen, was instrumental in raising over $60,000 for the ROTC Scholarship Fund.

Tammy, wife of chapter member LTC (Ret) Dave Beshlin, is the first female recipient of the DeMeter award since its inception in 1998, as well as the first chapter spouse to earn this distinction. Tammy was officially presented the DeMeter trophy by Juan Chavez, Chapter President at our March 17, 2016 general membership meeting.

Congratulations Tammy, you are deserving of every ounce of admiration and gratitude from every member of our chapter for your dedicated service to the chapter.

Posted Mar 24, 16 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1521471222

It is a distinct pleasure to announce that the recipient of the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award for 2014 is LTC (Ret) Doneal G. Gersh, US Army. Don was recognized for sustained outstanding service to the chapter as Chapter Secretary, Newsletter Editor, and Chairman of the Legislative Committee among other contributions. Don was officially presented the DeMeter trophy and certificate by Juan Chavez, Chapter President at our March 6, 2015 general membership meeting. Congratulations Don and thanks for your all your hard work and dedicated service to the chapter.

Posted Mar 7, 15 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1460769511
Fayetteville Airport USO Lounge Volunteers – 2014

Members of the CFC devoted a total of 972 volunteer hours in manning the USO lounge at the Fayetteville Regional Airport during 2014. Our heartfelt thanks are extended to chapter members: George Blanc, Jack Cox, Tom Delahunty, Joe Fodor, Bob and Nancy Garman, John Hazlett, Bob Ives, Dave and Dot Miller, Art and Argie Rodriguez, Tom Shipp, Arlie Smith, Burt

VanderClute, Sarah Volkmann, and Drew and Kalli Ziegler. Their dedication and service to our military community are commendable.

Posted Jan 10, 15 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1420933488

It is a distinct pleasure to announce that the recipient of the Robert F. DeMeter Chapter Service Award for 2013 is LTC (Ret) William J. Dadek, US Army.

Bill was recognized for sustained outstanding service to the chapter as 3rd Vice President for ROTC Affairs and Chairman of the ROTC Scholarship Committee for the past 7 years.

Bill was officially presented the DeMeter trophy and certificate by Juan Chavez, Chapter President at our March 28, 2014 general membership meeting. Congratulations Bill and thanks for your dedicated service to the chapter.

Posted Mar 28, 14 by CFMOAA Under Members Permalink 1419136217