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  The Cape Fear Chapter MOAA : The Cape Fear Chapter Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) News and Events: What's Happening?

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January 25, 2019

The newly elected Cape Fear Chapter officers for the 2-year term beginning January 2019 were officially installed in a ceremony during the traditional biennial Installation Dinner held at the Fort Bragg Iron Mike Conference Center on 25 January 2019.

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen Dana Atkins, President and CEO of the Military Officers Association of America administered the oath of office to: MAJ (Ret) Ira M. Watkins, President; MAJ (Ret) George Bond, 1st Vice President; COL (Ret) Richard Underwood, 2nd Vice President; LTC (Ret) Marty Williams, 3rd Vice President; LTC (Ret) Ralph W. Hinrichs, Jr., Treasurer; and, Mrs. Sara Ballard, Secretary.

Posted Feb 26, 19 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1551234524