by Rich Underwood
Our chapter was founded on the 22nd of March 1961 at Fort Bragg and became the first affiliate of The Retired Officers Association (TROA) in North Carolina. On January 1, 2003, the National organization changed its name from The Retired Officers Association (TROA) to the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA).
To commemorate the anniversary, the chapter received a handsome certificate (at download bar at right) from National MOAA accompanied by a personal note from Lt Gen Dana T. Atkins, USAF (Ret) President and CEO. The note reads as follows:
“Dear Colonel Underwood,
Congratulations on achieving 60 years as a MOAA affiliate. During some very challenging times presented by the COVID pandemic, your chapter has adapted to keep the MOAA mission thriving in your community.
Specifically, I truly appreciate your focus on the chapter’s ROTC scholarship program. Your efforts go to the very heart of supporting our men and women in uniform and will inevitably attract a valued membership base to your chapter and our national organization.
Thank you for continuing the commitment to “Never Stop Serving.”
Lt Gen Dana T. Atkins, USAF (Ret)
President and CEO”
We belatedly observed our anniversary during the May 7, 2021 luncheon at the Mash House Restaurant being the first opportunity to meet in person this year.
It is my fervent hope that our chapter will continue doing great work in support of our military, our veterans, and our future military leaders for many more years to come.