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  The Cape Fear Chapter MOAA : The Cape Fear Chapter Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) News and Events: What's Happening?


General Info


Pursuant to the CFC constitution and bylaws a Nominating Committee was appointed to compile a slate of candidates for election to Chapter President and five other elective positions on the Chapter Executive Board for service during the 2-year term beginning on January 1, 2025.

The Nominating Committee is composed of Chairman COL (Ret) Eli Ballard, and members COL (Ret) Steve Cage, LTC (Ret) Don Gersh, LtCol (Ret) Joe Tichich and Mrs. Pat Stang.

Members of the Nominating Committee are now accepting nominations for the elective positions. Nominations may be submitted to any member of the committee between now and November 12. Members are advised to first contact the person being nominated to ascertain that they will accept and agree to serve if elected.

Elective positions are President, 1st Vice President (Membership Chair), 2nd Vice President (Programs Chair), 3rd Vice President (ROTC Chair), Secretary, and Treasurer.

Posted 09/01/24 18:02 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1725228140


September 28, 2024

Our annual fundraising golf tournament will be held at Gates Four Golf & Country Club on Saturday, 28 September 2024. Registration will commence at 11:00 AM, a lunch buffet will be served at 11:30 AM, and players will tee off at 1:00 PM. In keeping with tradition, we will invite 50-60 active-duty soldiers/airmen as our guests to enjoy a great day of golf, food and drink, and camaraderie.

We encourage all of our members to take part in this annual event either as a player, a sponsor, a tournament volunteer, or a combination thereof. Here is how to do it:

Hole Sponsorships . A donation of $150 will sponsor a golf hole. You can sponsor a hole in your name, or in memory of a loved one. If you know of any business, civic or church group, or friend that would be willing to support a noble program ask them to sponsor a hole. Sponsorship entitles the sponsor to a professionally fabricated sign with the inscription, “This Hole Sponsored by”, followed by the sponsor’s name and/or other desired inscription, prominently displayed on one of the tee boxes during the tournament. The names of all sponsors are widely publicized in all tournament literature and our website.

Active-Duty Soldiers Sponsorships. Our program to sponsor our active-duty soldiers and airmen to play in our golf tournament as our guests is a popular one. Our soldiers have a great time and our sponsors get a great sense of satisfaction in treating them. Our goal this year is to sponsor at least 60 active-duty soldiers; the cost will be $85 per soldier (the player entry fee). The benefits of this program are several but suffice it to say that they present us with an opportunity to thank our active-duty soldiers for their service by treating them to a great golf outing; and it presents them an opportunity to interact with their retired comrades.

Player. If you are a golfer, put your own team together and enter as a team; or enter as an individual player and we’ll pair you off.

To enter as a player or team use the entry form in tournament flier.

To sponsor a hole/soldier, or just make a donation use the sponsorship submission form.

Both forms can be download from download bar above.

Posted 07/06/24 15:48 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1720295326


Annual CFC MOAA Golf Tournament 28 September 2024

It is a tradition of this chapter to invite our active-duty military to play in our annual fundraising golf tournament as our guests as a small gesture of thanks for their service and sacrifices.

In the past, we have asked major unit commanders at Fort Liberty to provide us with soldiers who would like to participate. However, due to deployments and other constraints that is no longer feasible. Therefore, we are appealing directly to our active-duty military through local and social media and word-of-mouth to contact us directly if they wish to avail themselves of a great opportunity to enjoy a great day of golf and camaraderie with us at Gates Four Golf and Country Club on Saturday, 28 September 2024.

We ask all chapter members to get the word out that any active-duty military member who would like to play, should complete the entry form at download below and email to golf@cfmoaa.org NLT 25 September 2024.

Please direct any questions to Rich Underwood, Tournament Director, at (910) 309-3568.

AD Player Entry Form  
Posted 08/03/24 19:01 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1722726094


The general membership voted on 17 November 2023 to maintain the dues structure at $20 for regular members/$10 for surviving spouses for the coming year. Accordingly, the Membership Renewal Campaign for 2024 is underway with the goal of achieving 100% retention.

We are asking our members to submit their renewals ASAP. The quickest and easiest way to renew is online. The alternative is to remit by USPS by mailing a check payable to “CFC MOAA” to “CFC MOAA, P.O. Box 53621, Fayetteville, NC 28305.”

A significant number of chapter members have not renewed for 2023. If you fall in this category, please bring your account up to date by remitting for both 2023/2024; call Acting Secretary Ira Watkins (910) 308-7702 if not certain.

One of the criteria for earning a 5-Star Chapter award is to achieve 95% or better retention, you can contribute to that achievement by renewing your membership now.

Renew Online  
Posted 11/28/23 15:22 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1701184963


This year’s golf tournament played at Gates Four Golf and Country Club on 16 September was a resounding success. Our heartfelt thanks to all our commercial sponsors for their continued loyalty and support, to the players and active-duty soldiers who made the day special, and to our chapter members for a commendable outpouring of support.

The following is a list of all sponsors and donors; those indicated by an asterisk (*) contributed in multiple ways.

Prime Sponsor

Mr. Steve LaHam, President & CEO

Anfinsen Plastic Molding & Assembly

Major Material Sponsors

Healy Wholesale Company, Inc.*

Meinhardt Family*

Rogers & Breece, Inc.*

Hole Sponsors

AAFMAA Wealth Management Trust, LLC*

An Affair to Remember

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Eli Ballard*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. William H. Bell, II*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. David Beshlin*

MAJ (Ret) George Bond*

Brown & Associates Investment Services*

Carolina Specialties of NC, Inc.

Catlett Family Dentistry

Caviness & Cates Building Development*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Juan I. Chavez*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. David C. Cheney*

MAJ (Ret) Gerald Croll*

Cruz Masters, LLC*

Cumberland Tractor*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Tad D. Davis*

COL & Mrs. Stanley D. Dodson*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Thomas Donnelly

COL & Mrs. John P. Dunigan*

Mrs. Mary Eidman*

Focused Wellness, PLLC

Fort Liberty Federal Credit Union

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Ronnie Foxx

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Robert T. Garman*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Gerald M. Gordner

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. John W. Hazlett*

COL (Ret) John R. Hermann*

Hinkamp Jewelers

David & Sandy Hubbard

Hutchens Law Firm

Mrs. Pat Isaacson

Mrs. Lois Ives

Mrs Carol Ivey*

Jernigan-Warren, Inc.*

Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches

Kalli Ziegler Properties

Lafayette Ford-Lincoln

GEN (Ret) & Mrs. Dan K. McNeill*

Metz Auto Glass*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Hans Meinhardt*

Morty Pride Meats

LTC (Ret) Charles Pimble*

Powers-Swain Chevrolet, Inc.

Public Storage of Fayetteville, Inc.

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Deogracia Quinones, MD*

QwikMed Pharmacy & Clinic*

Mrs. Barbara Raizen

Rhudy’s, Inc.

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Arturo Rodriguez*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Eddie Rosado

Savvy Cleaning Company

Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Shereff, MD*

Sullivans Highland Funeral Home

CW4 & Mrs. Harold A. Thacker*

Mr. Pete Tilton*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Richard A. Underwood*

Mrs. Sarah Volkmann*

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Vonnegut*

CPT (Ret) & Mrs. David S. Vroom*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Jim Wilde*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Martin C. Williams*

Soldier Sponsors

AAFMAA Mortgage Services, LLC*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Steven Cage

Cape Fear Cardiology

Mrs. Maria Cory

LtCol (Ret) & Mrs. Dan Dederick

Mrs. Mary Eidman*

Mrs. Elizabeth Foster

LTC (Ret) Dennis Franken

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Don Gersh

BG (Ret) & Mrs. William J. Gothard

Mrs. Dorothy Hinrichs

Mrs. Lois Ives

CW4 (Ret) & Mrs. Joseph A. Jasienowski

Mrs. Michelle Lame

LTC (Ret) Art Macaltao*

Mrs. Dorothy B. Miller*

CW2 Carl Mitchell

BG (Ret) Joseph L. Nagel

COL (Ret) Deena Pittman*

Mike & Barbara Sease

Christine A. Spring

Mrs. Pat Stang

Mrs. Phyllis P Streit

Village Internal Medicine

Chap (COL)(Ret) & Mrs. Gregory K. Williamson*

Bill & Connie Wink*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Willie Wright

Cash Donors

Buie, Norman & Company, P.A.

COL (Ret) & Mrs. George M. Dudley

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. George W. Glann

COL (Ret) & Mr. Mindray McLaurin

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Meinhardt*

Mrs. Erika Meinhardt*

Mrs. Lise Meinhardt*

MAJ (Ret) Warren R. O’Brien

Ann & Fred Stein*

MAJ (Ret) & Mrs. Robert S. Tiffany, III*


Prize & Giveaways Donors

Anderson Creek Golf & Country Club

Baywood Golf Club

Carolina Lakes Golf Club

Chicora Golf Club

Gates Four Golf & Country Club

Kings Grant Golf Course

Whispering Pines Golf Club

Meinhardt Family

Maureen David

Rosemary Harvey

Joan Swain

Posted 10/12/23 20:11 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1697141498


The following officers were elected by the general membership by acclamation ballot to serve 2-year terms in leadership positions indicated effective January 2023.

COL (Ret) Richard Underwood, USA - President

MAJ (Ret) George Bond, USA - 1st Vice President

COL (Ret) William H. Bell, II, USA - 2nd Vice President

LTC (Ret) Marty Williams, USA - 3rd Vice President

MAJ (Ret) Gerald F. Croll, USA - Treasurer

LTC (Ret) Charles E. Pimble, USA - Secretary

Congratulations are extended to these members who volunteered to lead our chapter for the next two years. They will be officially installed on 14 January 2023 by Retired US Navy Captain Frank Michael, MOAA’s Program Director for Council and Chapter Affairs during the biennial Installation Meeting/Dinner at the Iron Mike Conference Center, Fort Bragg.

Posted 12/07/22 10:59 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1670428768


Tournament Director Tammy Beshlin
by Tammy Beshlin

This year’s golf tournament played at Gates Four Golf and Country Club on 11 September was a resounding success. Our heartfelt thanks to all our commercial sponsors for their continued loyalty and support, to the players and active-duty soldiers who made the day special, and to our chapter members for a commendable outpouring of support.

The following is a list of all sponsors and donors; those indicated by an asterisk (*) contributed in multiple ways.

Prime Sponsor

Mr. Steve LaHam, President & CEO

Anfinsen Plastic Molding & Assembly

Major Material Sponsors

Healy Wholesale Company, Inc.*

Meinhardt Family*

Rogers & Breece, Inc.*


Hole Sponsors

A+ Home Health Care Services*

AAFMAA Wealth Management Trust*

All American Associates Family Medicine*

Chap (LTC)(Ret) & Mrs.Timothy Atkinson*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. David L. Baggett

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Eli Ballard*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. William H. Bell, II*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. David Beshlin*

Blue Ridge Power*

Bob Maier’s Automotive Services*

MAJ (Ret) George Bond*

Brown & Associates Investment Services*

Buie, Norman & Company, P.A.

Cape Fear Eye Associates, P.A.

Cape Fear Cardiology*

Caroline Specialties International

Catlett Family Dentistry

Mrs. Zobeida Carrion

Caviness & Cates Building Development*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Juan I. Chavez*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. David C. Cheney*

LTC (Ret) James E. Chrishon, Jr.

MAJ (Ret) Gerald Croll*

Cruz Masters, LLC*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Tad D. Davis*

District House of Taps*

COL & Mrs. Stanley D. Dodson*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Thomas Donnelly

COL & Mrs. John P. Dunigan*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Clark Ecklund*

Elevate Real Estate

Fort Bragg Federal Credit Union

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Ronnie Foxx

Foust Heating and Air Conditioning

LTC (Ret) Dennis Franken*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Robert T. Garman*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. George W. Glann*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. John W. Hazlett*

Mrs. Dorothy Hinrichs

David & Sandi Hubbard*

Hubbard Kitchen & Bath *

Mrs. Pat Isaacson

Jernigan-Warren, Inc.*

Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches*

Kalli Ziegler Properties

Lafayette Ford-Lincoln

Mash House Brew Company

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Maxwell, Jr.

John & Mary Beth Parker/McDonald’s*

GEN (Ret) & Mrs. Dan K. McNeill

Carl Meinhardt*

Erika Meinhardt*

Metz Glass*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Hans Meinhardt*

Morty Pride Meats

BG (Ret) Joseph L. Nagel*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Chester G. Oehme, Jr.

LTC (Ret) Charles Pimble*

Powers-Swain Chevrolet, Inc.

Public Storage of Fayetteville, Inc.

QwikMed Pharmacy & Clinic*

Mrs. Barbara Raizen

Rhudy’s, Inc.

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Arturo Rodriguez*

SANCO Construction Company, Inc.*

Savvy Cleaning Company

Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Shereff, MD*

Strickland’s Portion Pak, Inc.

Sullivans Highland Funeral Home

Superior Bakery

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. John D. Szoka

Ric & Ingrid Thompson

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Richard A. Underwood*

Village Family Dental*

Mrs. Sarah Volkmann*

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Vonnegut

CPT (Ret) & Mrs. David S. Vroom*

Tom & Claudie Wallen*

Watson Family Dentistry

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Jim Wilde*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Martin C. Williams*

Chap (COL)(Ret) & Mrs. Gregory K. Williamson

Soldier Sponsors

Arrow Exterminators of Fayetteville

Mrs. Maria Cory

LtCol (Ret) & Mrs. Dan Dederick

Mrs. Mary Eidman*

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Ronald Elrod

MAJ (Ret) & Mrs. Hubert L. Gibson

Hinkamp Jewelers

Mrs. Lois Ives

CW4 (Ret) & Mrs. Joseph A. Jasienowski

MAJ (Ret) Kenneth L. Krahl

Erika Meinhardt & John Parks Families*

Mrs. Dorothy Miller

Simon Funeral Home

Christine A. Spring

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Deogracia Quiñones

Mrs. Pat Stang

MAJ (Ret) & Mrs. Robert S. Tiffany, III*

Mr. Pete Tilton*

LTC (Ret) John R. (Bob) White

Bill & Connie Wink

COL (Ret) & Mrs. Willie Wright

Cash Donors

Mr. Robert Breece, Jr.*

Mrs. Lise Meinhardt*

LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Thomas Delahunty

Mrs. Carol Ivey

LTC (Ret) Peter Leone

MAJ (Ret) Warren R. O’Brien

Prize & Giveaways Donors

Anderson Creek Golf & Country Club

Carolina Lakes Golf Club

Chris’ Steak House

Fresh Market

Gates Four Golf & Country Club

High Forest Releaf

Kings Grant Golf Course

LeClair’s General Store

Meinhardt Family

Ryder Golf Course

Stryker Golf Course

316 Oyster Bar & Grill

Posted 10/03/21 14:35 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1633286133


by Rich Underwood

Our chapter was founded on the 22nd of March 1961 at Fort Bragg and became the first affiliate of The Retired Officers Association (TROA) in North Carolina. On January 1, 2003, the National organization changed its name from The Retired Officers Association (TROA) to the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA).

To commemorate the anniversary, the chapter received a handsome certificate (at download bar at right) from National MOAA accompanied by a personal note from Lt Gen Dana T. Atkins, USAF (Ret) President and CEO. The note reads as follows:

“Dear Colonel Underwood,

Congratulations on achieving 60 years as a MOAA affiliate. During some very challenging times presented by the COVID pandemic, your chapter has adapted to keep the MOAA mission thriving in your community.

Specifically, I truly appreciate your focus on the chapter’s ROTC scholarship program. Your efforts go to the very heart of supporting our men and women in uniform and will inevitably attract a valued membership base to your chapter and our national organization.

Thank you for continuing the commitment to “Never Stop Serving.”


Lt Gen Dana T. Atkins, USAF (Ret)

President and CEO”

We belatedly observed our anniversary during the May 7, 2021 luncheon at the Mash House Restaurant being the first opportunity to meet in person this year.

It is my fervent hope that our chapter will continue doing great work in support of our military, our veterans, and our future military leaders for many more years to come.

Posted 05/07/21 21:12 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1620436339


Vacancies hurting our chapter!

There is a dire need for volunteers to step up and fill some of the vacant positions on the chapter’s Executive Board. Some of these positions have been vacant for over 2 years, and some have been filled by the same person for as long as 8 years and new blood is needed.

While all the positions are important (they would not exist otherwise) some are more critical than others. The following positions need to be filled post haste:

Secretary – Currently, the most critical vacancy; vacant since 1 January 2021.

2nd Vice President (Programs) – Another critical job; vacant since 1 January 2021 as well.

Surviving Spouse Liaison – A must-have position, a spoke person and advocate for our 30 or so surviving spouses. The position has been vacant for 2 years, but the duties have been performed by Ira Watkins as an additional duty.

Personal Affairs Officer – Another must-have position to advise and assist our members regarding benefits, entitlements, and survivor’s assistance. Position has been vacant for 2 years, but currently filled by Chaplain Atkinson as an additional duty.

Transition Liaison Officer – This position has the potential to be a great recruiting tool for the chapter. Active duty officers transitioning to civilian life can be attracted to a chapter that offers an effective transition program. This position has been vacant for over 2 years and is being filled by George Bond as an additional duty.

Newsletter Editor – An organization must be able to communicate with its members to be successful. A newsletter is one of the most important and effective tools to stay in touch. Don Gersh was the Editor for more than 6 years until he had to lay down his quill because of health reasons. The last issue of the Infogram was published in January 2021.

Webmaster – In this technological age, a website is a most important medium of communication. Juan Chavez has been our webmaster for more than 8 years and suffering from “burnout”. We need a younger, computer savvy type to take over and exploit the website’s potential to a new level.

Any of the above positions can be filled by a regular member or a spouse thereof, or a surviving spouse. Most of the work can be performed from home via telephone and computer. The Executive Board meets physically at the Fort Bragg Iron Mike Conference Center on the first Tuesday of each month, and meetings normally last approximately 2 hours.

The continued shortage of officers to lead the chapter forward constitutes an existential threat to the chapter. We simply cannot continue to keep the chapter afloat like this. We need an infusion of new blood, new ideas and new energy.

As we observe the 60th anniversary of the chapter’s founding, the first affiliate in the state, we should keep in mind all those who came before us and who worked so hard to make the chapter what it is. It is our collective responsibility to keep the organization viable for future generations of military officers.

Posted 04/08/21 14:52 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1617893527


President Underwood administers oath of office to Jerry Croll (right)
Major (Ret) Gerald "Jerry" Croll

Our prayers for a chapter treasurer were answered, Jerry Croll answered the call and no one was more relieved than President Rich Underwood. Jerry will fill the large void created with the unexpected death of Ralph Hinrichs on 23 February 2021.

President Rich Underwood officially installed Jerry at the monthly Board of Directors meeting on 6 April 2021 by administering the oath of office in the presence of the Board of Directors.

We all owe a great debt of gratitude to Jerry for stepping up to the plate. We wish him the best of success in a position of paramount importance to our organization.

Posted 04/07/21 18:42 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1617820924


We need someone to volunteer to be our Newsletter Editor. Don Gersh who has been our editor for the past 6+ years can no longer do it because of health problems. The January 2021 issue was the last one Don could put together and unless we find someone to takeover, it will sadly be the last.

Wishfully, anyone who had prior experience in editing a publication at any level, e.g., high school, college, military, etc., would be ideal, but practically, we are asking for any literate person who would just like to help and has the enthusiasm (and a computer) to take on the challenge and make this experience a fulfilling one.

The chapter newsletter “Infogram” has been a monthly digital publication, disseminated to the general membership. The software program “Art Explosion Publisher Pro 3” is currently used to compile the publication, but the editor will have wide discretion as to what tools he or she prefers to use.

Anyone interested in taking on this job is requested to call President Rich Underwood at (910) 309-3568.

Posted 02/23/21 19:42 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1614109338

The Historic 3-Bomber Super Bowl Flyover Was a Huge Missed Opportunity

The Historic 3-Bomber Super Bowl Flyover Was a Huge Missed Opportunity
(Photo by Airman 1st Class Jacob B Wrightsman USAF)
by Retired USAF Lt. Gen. Dana Atkins, President & CEO, MOAA

It was an inspiring moment when music stars Eric Church and Jazmine Sullivan concluded their "The Star-Spangled Banner" duet to fireworks and a history-making flyover: a trifecta of the B-2 Spirit, B-1B Lancer and the B-52H Stratofortress in formation. Their designations added up to 55 in honor of the 55th Super Bowl.

The formation of bombers was a first for such an event and was led by Capt. Sarah Kociuba, one of only 10 female B-2 pilots.

This demonstration of America's precision in defense was awe-inspiring, but you would not know it from commentary and lack of acknowledgment on air.

[RELATED AT MILITARY.COM: How the Air Force Pulled Off the First-Ever Super Bowl Flyover with All 3 Bombers ]

CBS and the NFL failed to give the occasion its due. If you blinked, you might have missed it. What also was missed was the opportunity to spotlight the planning and training to make such moments special to the American public and to international communities enjoying the big game. There is also the significant recruiting opportunity to support the all-volunteer force.

The military-civilian divide is only getting greater, and CBS helped widen the gap by missing the moment. This follows a fall game where Fox commentators Joe Buck and Troy Aikman lamented about flyovers' "cost of taxpayer dollars." These comments, which appeared in leaked audio, were shrugged off as sarcasm.

The Super Bowl's historic flyover could have been an opportunity to set the record straight. No shortage of information was advanced from the Air Force and reports from local stations and networks.

While the Air Force does perform nearly 1,000 flyovers per year, they double as crucial training for all the airmen and other services.

As a former commander of forces and a past aerial demonstration team member of the Air Force Thunderbirds, I can attest that the demonstration flights are rigorous and demanding. While keeping skills razor sharp, they also engage the public and inspire others to serve.

If the networks and the NFL are going to treat these flyovers as just another routine form of pre-game entertainment, there's a significant lost opportunity in providing a catalyst for one of our nation's sons or daughters to consider serving -- just like Kociuba, who as a young girl, was awestruck at the sight of a B-2 bomber at the Rose Bowl Parade.

Finally, such coverage fails to recognize and thank all those serving in our military for defending our country.

After the Super Bowl, I felt a bittersweet mix of pride in our country and sadness about misperceptions about the role of the military. Our men and women who serve in the uniformed services, our veterans, their families and survivors certainly deserve better.

Posted 02/15/21 21:31 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1613424674


Check out the first issue!

DFAS has a new Survivor SBP Newsletter with lots of news and helpful information for survivors/SBP annuitants. Learn all about the upcoming changes to the SBP-DIC offset, when you’ll get your tax statements, the new School Certification process, helpful form tools and more!

Posted 02/06/21 21:14 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1612646094


January 5, 2021

The newly elected officers for the 2-year term commencing January 2021 were officially installed during the Board of Directors meeting held in the Iron Mike Conference and Catering Center on January 5, 2021.

Because of COVID-19 safety constraints limiting public gatherings to 10 people or less, the ceremony could not be held in the more traditional installation/dinner affair attended by the general membership.

Taking the oath of office were: President Richard Underwood, 1st Vice President George Bond, 3rd Vice President Marty Williams and Treasurer Ralph Hinrichs. Outgoing President Ira Watkins had the privilege of administering the oath.

Congratulations are extended to our new leaders for their willingness to assume the responsibility of leading our chapter forward for the next 2 years.

Posted Jan 5, 21 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1609901354


Congratulations to our new leaders!

The following officers were elected by majority vote of the general membership (by mail ballots) to serve 2-year terms in positions indicated effective January 2021.

COL (Ret) Richard Underwood, President

MAJ (Ret) George Bond, 1st Vice President

LTC (Ret) Marty Williams, 3rd Vice President

LTC (Ret) Ralph Hinrichs, Treasurer

Congratulations are extended to these members who volunteered to lead our chapter for the next two years.

Because of COVID-19 safety restrictions limiting gatherings to 10 people or less, the new officers will be officially installed on 5 January 2021 during the monthly CFC Board of Directors meeting at the Iron Mike Conference Center, Fort Bragg.

Posted Dec 23, 20 by CFMOAA Under General Info Permalink 1608750396